Quest for IT-company - BTL

Quest for IT-company

Location:Baku, Azerbaijan
Group:250 persons
Quest for IT-company

Azerbaijan, incredible Baku and 250 employees of the IT company…
In order not to make standard city tours, we suggested explore the city in an unusual way – passing the unusual quest “Where does Baku lead”.

It was a real test for guests! 😊 Participants divided into teams, identified captains and went on an adventure.
One of the first tasks was to transform into Azerbaijani tomato sellers at the national market. The teams had to sell as many tomatoes as possible in the allotted time.

Then it was necessary to make the most creative team photo against the backdrop of national attractions.
In conclusion, the participants took part in workshops on the preparation of the Kutab national dish and on oil painting.
The winner was determined by the best team results. It was really funny!
Watch video report!

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